Integration to payment gateway (Select "School" from homepage)
The availability of online payment options is based on availability in your country.
These are 3rd party payment gateway that you need to sign up separately.
Aculearn will be able to accept user’s payment to your webpage if you sign up for 3rd party payment gateway service such as PayPal (available world-wide). Payment gateway services will involve transaction fees. Please check out their terms and conditions.
Interbank transfer or P2P payment are usually free of charge. However, Aculearn will not know if the payment has been made successfully. You will need to check the incoming fund transfer and manually click on “Payment received” on the “Transaction” page location on the left panel of the home page.
Note for P2P payment like PromptPay or PayNow:
Aculearn will generate the QR code with the invoice. The QR code will contain the course fee to be paid. Therefore the user will not need to manually enter the amount to pay.
Payment description will show up in the user’s payment page. You can add any offers or payment instructions on this page.
Last updated